The proof of the pudding…

Kinda fell into watching several videos from ex vegans over the last couple of weeks. I had no idea (though I probably should have realised) that vegan vloggers have such enormous followings… For anyone who doesn’t know, someone following a vegan diet only eats plant...

Should we believe everything we read?

Rather than writing a really long article about the countless holes in the recent highly publicised Food in the Anthropocene: the EAT–Lancet Commission on healthy diets from sustainable food systems, I’ve put together some excellent articles which take the paper apart...

Why are our brains not coping? Part I

It’s been hard to miss the subtle-as-a-brick fearmongering trying to get people to adopt a vegan diet (one which avoids all meat, fish, eggs, dairy and honey). Listening to the hype you’d think a vegan diet would instantly translate us into some sort of utopia where...

Cholesterol – friend or foe?

Lowering cholesterol has become a major past-time for people of many ages. It is fuelled by fear of having a heart attack and/or stroke, much of which comes from pharmaceutical companies wanting people to rely on statins (medications which lower cholesterol levels)...

When is food not really food?

This may seem like a bizarre question but think about the definition of food: “any substance eaten to provide nutritional support to the body”. Is what you are eating providing nutritional support to your mind and body? Or are your calories devoid of health promoting...